Drupal 10 uses Twig 3. Drupal 9 uses Twig 2. Drupal 8 used Twig 1.
Theme System Overview
Drupal's theme system allows a theme to have nearly complete control over the appearance of the site, which includes both the markup and the CSS used to style the markup. For this system to work, instead of writing HTML markup directly, modules return render arrays, which are structured hierarchical arrays that include the data to be rendered into HTML, and options that affect the markup. Render arrays are ultimately rendered into HTML or other output formats by recursive calls to \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render(), traversing the depth of the render array hierarchy. At each level, the theme system is invoked to do the actual rendering. See the Drupal API documentation for \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render() and the Drupal API Theme system overview for more information about render arrays and rendering.
Twig Templating Engine
Drupal uses the Twig templating engine. Twig offers developers a fast,secure, and flexible method for building templates for Drupal sites. Twig does not require front-end developers to know PHP to build and manipulate Drupal themes.
For more info on theming Drupal, read Theming Drupal on and the Twig documentation
Drupal 10 uses Twig 3, Drupal 9 uses Twig 2 and Drupal 8 used Twig 1.
Displaying Data
Fields or Logic
Twig can do things that PHP can't such as whitespacing control, sandboxing, automatic HTML escaping, manual contextual output escaping, inclusion of custom functions and filters that only affect templates.
Double curly braces are used to output a variable. E.g.
{{ content.title }}
Brace and percent are used to put logic into Twig templates e.g. if, then, else or for loops. E.g.
{% if content.price is defined %}
<h2>Price: {{ content.price }} </h2>
{% endif %}
Use brace and pound symbol (hash) for comments e.g.
{# this section displays the voting details #}
Here are some of the Twig functions that you can use in twig templates: There are lots of them e.g.
link($text, $uri, $attributes)
path($name, $parameters, $options)
url($name, $parameters, $options)
And even more Twig fun at
Which template, which variables?
There is usually one page.html.twig
and multiple node templates. One node template per content type. Eg. node-news-story.html.twig
, node-event.html.twig
. There can also be field specific templates e.g. web/themes/custom/txg/templates/field/field--field-3-column-links.html.twig
In the page.html.twig
, you can refer to variables as page.content
or node.label
whereas node templates expect content.field_image
or node.field_myfield
Note. If you don't see a field output for a node, try specifying the preface node.
instead of content.
Field specific template are usually very simple and refer to
{{ items }}
{{ item.content }}
e.g. from txg/web/themes/contrib/zurb_foundation/templates/page.html.twig
{{ page.content }}
And from txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/content/page--node--event.html.twig
I accidentally started implementing this in the page template. See below for the node template.
{{ drupal_field('field_image', 'node') }}
<h1>{{ node.label }}</h1>
<div>For: {{ node.field_for.0.value }}</div>
<div>DATE: {{ node.field_event_date.0.value|date('n/j/Y') }}</div>
<div>Time: {{ node.field_event_date.0.value|date('h:ia') }} - {{ node.field_event_date.0.end_value|date('h:ia') }}</div>
{% if node.field_event_location_link.0.url %}
<a href="{{ node.field_event_location_link.0.url }}">{{ node.field_event_location.0.value }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ node.field_event_location.0.value }}
{% endif %}
{% if node.field_event_cta_link.0.url %}
CTA:<div class="button"><a href="{{ node.field_event_cta_link.0.url }}">{{ node.field_event_cta_link.0.title }}</a></div>
{% endif %}
Here is the same basic stuff (as above) but implemented in the node template at txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/content/node--event.html.twig
Note. That
<h1>{{ label }}</h1>
{{ content.field_image }}
<div>Node: {{ }}</div>
<div>For: {{ content.field_for }}</div>
<div>DATE: {{ node.field_event_date.0.value|date('n/j/Y') }}</div>
<div>Time: {{ node.field_event_date.0.value|date('h:ia') }} - {{ node.field_event_date.0.end_value|date('h:ia') }}</div>
{% if node.field_event_location_link.0.url %}
<a href="{{ node.field_event_location_link.0.url }}">{{ node.field_event_location.0.value }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ node.field_event_location.0.value }}
{% endif %}
{% if node.field_event_cta_link.0.url %}
CTA:<div class="button"> <a href="{{ node.field_event_cta_link.0.url }}">{{ node.field_event_cta_link.0.title }}</a></div>
{% endif %}
Display fields or variables
Using node.field_myfield
will bypass the rendering and display any markup in the field. Using content.field_myfield
uses the rendering system and is the preferred way to display your content.
This will display all the content rendered
{{ content }}
Node Title with and without a link
Render node title (or label) (with markup -- so it may include <span> tags)
{{ label }}
Render node label (without markup -- no html in this version)
{{ node.label }}
Render link to node
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ label }}</a>
// Or a little more complex..
<div class="title"><a href="{{ url }}">{{ label }}</a> | <span>{{ content.field_vendor_ref }}</span></div>
There are many ways to limit things and only show some of the content. Mostly often you will need to show specific fields. Note. This will include rendered info such as labels etc.
{{ content.field_yomama }}
{{ content.field_ref_topic }}
Any field -- just jam content.
in front of it
{{ content.field_intl_students_and_scholars }}
You can also grab node specific fields if content.
type fields don't do the trick.
In a node template, you can display specific node fields by prefacing them with node
{{ }}
{{ node.label }}
{{ node.field_date.value }}
{{ node.field_date.end_value }}
Paragraph fields
These still work fine: content.field_abc
or node.field_ref_topic
but instead of node
, you preface fields with paragraph
like this:
termid0: {{ paragraph.field_ref_tax.0.target_id }}
termid1: {{ paragraph.field_ref_tax.1.target_id }}
and we get this result if we have selected two terms 13 and 16.
termid0: 13
termid1: 16
To dump a taxonomy reference field for debugging purposes use the code below. The pre tags format it a little nicer than if we don't have them.
{{ dump(paragraph.field_ref_tax.value) }}
Loop through paragraph reference fields
Here we go looping thru all the values in a multi-value reference field.
{% for tax in paragraph.field_ref_tax %}
<div>target_id: {{ tax.target_id }}</div>
{% endfor %}
It's the same as outputting these guys:
termid0: {{ paragraph.field_ref_tax.0.target_id }}
termid1: {{ paragraph.field_ref_tax.1.target_id }}
and to make this more useful, here we build a string of them to pass to a view.
From: ~/Sites/dirt/web/themes/custom/dirt_bootstrap/templates/paragraphs/paragraph--news-preview.html.twig
{# Figure out parameters to pass to view for news items #}
{% set params = '' %}
{% for item in paragraph.field_ref_tax_two %}
{% set params = params ~ item.target_id %}
{% if not loop.last %}
{% set params = params ~ '+' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
params: {{ params }}
This will output something like: 5+6+19
{{ content.body }}
{{ node.body.value }}
And for summary
{{ node.body.summary | raw }}
Multi-value fields
Fields that you preface with node.
can also handle an index (the 0
below) i.e. to indicate the first value in a multi-value field, 1 to indicate the second etc.
{{ node.field_iso_n3_country_code.0.value }}
Fields with HTML
If a field has html that you want rendered, use the keyword raw. Be aware this has security considerations which you can mitigate using striptags filters:
<div>How to order: {{ how_to_order|raw }}</div>
And maybe you want to only allow <b>
{{ word|striptags('<b>')|raw }}
Or several tags. In this case <b>
, <a>
and <pre>
{{ word|striptags('<b>,<a>,<pre>')|raw }}
The date/time a node is published, updated or created
Each of these calls return a datetime
value in string form which can be massaged by the twig date()
function for formatting.
Created: {{ node.created.value }}
Created: {{ node.createdtime }}
Created: {{ node.created.value|date('Y-m-d') }}
Modified: {{ node.changed.value }}
Modified: {{ node.changedtime }}
Modified: {{ node.changed.value|date('Y-m-d') }}
Published: {{ node.published_at.value }}
Published: {{ node.published_at.value|date('Y-m-d') }}
Here is the output you might see. The first published is apparently blank because I didn't use the drupal scheduling to publish the node (maybe?) and the second one seems to have defaulted to today's date.
Created: 1604034000
Created: 1604034000
Created: 2020-10-30
Modified: 1604528207
Modified: 1604528207
Modified: 2020-11-04
Published: 2020-11-20
{% set post_date = node.changedtime %}
Created (same as authored on date on node edit form):
{{ node.createdtime }}
And pretty formatted like Sep 2, 2023
{{ node.createdtime\|date('M d, Y') }}
<div class="date">Date posted: {{ node.getCreatedTime|date('m/d/Y') }}</div>
<div class="date">Date posted: {{ node.getChangedTime|date('m/d/Y') }}</div>
Node published date:
Date published: {{ _context.node.published_at.value }}
Date published: {{ node.published_at.value }}
Format a date field
Use the field's format settings; include wrappers. This example includes wrappers.
{{ content.field_blog_date }}
The examples below do not include wrappers.
Use the field's format settings. This will use the format defined in Content type » Manage Displays »Your View Mode
{{ content.field_blog_date.0 }}
Using Twig date filter and a defined Drupal date format
{{ node.field_blog_date.value|date('U')|format_date('short_mdyyyy') }}
Use Twig date filter
{{ node.field_blog_date.value|date('n/j/Y') }}
Smart date field formatting
When using the fantastic smart date module, dates are stored as timestamps so you have to use the twig date function to format them. If you just put this in your template:
{{ content.field_when }}
The output will include whichever formatting you specify in Drupal. While I assume there is a way to pass a smart date formatting string to twig, I haven't discovered it yet. Here are ways to format a smart date.
Specify the index (the 0 indicating the first value, or 1 for the second) e.g. node.field.0.value
and pipe the twig date function for formatting:
Date as in July 18, 2023
{{ node.field_when.0.value|date('F j, Y') }}
End date
{{ node.field_when.0.end_value|date('F j, Y') }}
Timezone as in America/Chicago
{{ node.field_when.0.value|date('e') }}
Timezone as in CDT
{{ node.field_when.0.value|date('T') }}
Day of the week
{{ node.field_when.0.value|date('l') }} {# day of week #}
Hide the end date if it is the same as the start date
{% set start = node.field_when.0.value|date('l F j, Y') %}
{% set end = node.field_when.0.end_value|date('l F j, Y') %}
<p class="date"> {{ start }}</p>
{% if not start is same as(end) %}
<p class="date"> {{ end }}</p>
{% endif %}
Entity Reference field
If you have an entity reference field such as field_ref_topic
(entity reference to topic content) you have to specify the target_id. If you have only 1 reference, use the .0
. If you have multiple and you want to specify the second one use .1
and so on.
{{ node.field_ref_topic.0.target_id }}
{{ node.field_ref_topic.1.target_id }}
Note. This will show the node id of the entity reference field. See below to see the content that the entity reference field points to.
Entity reference destination content
If you have an entity reference and you want to display the content from the node that is referenced i.e. if you have a contract with a reference to the vendor node and you want to display information from the vendor node on the contract you can dereference fields in the entity destination:
From dirt/web/themes/custom/dirt_bootstrap/templates/content/node--contract--vendor-list.html.twig
{{ node.field_sf_contract_ref.entity.field_contract_overview.value }}
{{ content.field_sf_contract_ref.entity.field_contract_overview }}
The field in the contract node is called field_sf_contract_ref
. The field in the referenced entity is called field_contract_overview
. Notice how with the node.
style, you must specify .value
at the end.
Here is an example of a taxonomy term where the title of the term will be displayed.
Dump category:
{{ dump(node.field_ref_tax.entity.label) }}
Taxonomy term
Here is an example of displaying a taxonomy term.
Dump category: {{ dump(node.field_ref_tax.entity.label) }}
Render a block
Example block with a machine name of block---system-powered-by-block.html.twig
from a custom theme
set classes = [
'block-' ~ configuration.provider|clean_class,
'block-' ~ plugin_id|clean_class,
<div{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
{{ title_prefix }}
{% if label %}
<h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
{% endif %}
{{ title_suffix }}
{% block content %}
{{ content }}
{% endblock %}
Render an array as an OL list created in the template_preprocess_node()
Here we create a list in the function:
function burger_theme_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
$burger_list = [
['name' => 'Cheesburger'],
['name' => 'Mushroomburger'],
['name' => 'Chickenburger'],
$variables['burgers'] = $burger_list;
and render it in the node--article--full.html.twig
{% for burger in burgers %}
<li>{{ burger['name'] }}</li>
{% endfor %}
There are a bajillion kertrillion or more ways to render a link.
For a Link field (URL)
This is the simplest way. Just set the display mode in the U/I to link
And output the link without a label.
{{ content.field_suggest_button }}
If you need a little more control you might use this version which allows classes etc. We are adding several classes onto the anchor to make it look like a button. In this case with an internal link, it shows up using the alias of the link i.e. it shows /contracts
instead of node/7
when you hover over the link.
<p><a class="btn secondary navy centered" href="{{ node.field_suggest_button.0.url }}">{{ node.field_suggest_button.0.title }}</a></p>
Using .uri
causes the link (internal only. External links are fine) to show up as node/7
when you hover over the link.
<p><a class="btn secondary navy centered" href="{{ node.field_suggest_button.uri }}">{{ node.field_suggest_button.0.title }}</a></p>
Don't try this as it won't work:
{{ node.field_suggest_button.url }}.
Want to use the text from a different field? No problem.
<div class="title"><a href="{{ node.field_link.uri }}">{{ node.field_contract_number.value }}</a></div>
Links to other pages on site
Absolute link:
<a href="{{ url('entity.node.canonical', {node: 3223}) }}">Link to Weather Balloon node 3223 </a>
Relative link
See path vs url:
<a href="{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {node: 3223}) }}">Link to Weather Balloon node 3223 </a>
Link to a user using user id
You can link to users using the following:
<a href="{{ url('entity.user.canonical', {user: 1}) }}">Link to user 1 </a>
External link in a field via an entity reference
Here we have a node with an entity reference field (field_sf_contract_ref
) to another entity.
In a preprocess function, you can grab the link. Note, you can just grab the first()
one. Later on you can see that in the twig template, you can specify the first one with .0
From dirt/web/themes/custom/dirt_bootstrap/dirt_bootstrap.theme
$vendor_url = $node->field_sf_contract_ref->entity->field_vendor_url->first();
if ($vendor_url) {
$vendor_url = $vendor_url->getUrl();
if ($vendor_url) {
$variables['vendor_url'] = $vendor_url->getUri();
And in the template we retrieve the URI with .uri
<p><a class="styled-link ext" href="{{ node.field_sf_contract_ref.entity.field_vendor_url.uri }}">Vendor Website</a></p>
Here we check if there is a target value and output that also. E.g. target="_blank"
and also display the title -- this is the anchor title as in the words "Vendor Website" below
<a href="">Vendor Website</a></p>
From inside-marthe/themes/custom/dp/templates/paragraph/paragraph--sidebar-product-card.html.twig
we wrap some stuff in a link:
<a href="{{content.field_link.0['#url']}}" {% if content.field_link.0['#options']['attributes']['target'] %} target="{{content.field_link.0['#options']['attributes']['target']}}" {% endif %} class="button">{{content.field_link.0['#title']}}
{{ content.field_image }}
<h2 class="module-header">{{content.field_text}}</h2>
And from ~/Sites/txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/content/node--event--card.html.twig
if there is a url, display the link with the url, otherwise just display the title for the link. I'm not 100% sure this is really valid. Can you put in a title and no link?
{% if node.field_event_location_link.0.url %}
<a href="{{ node.field_event_location_link.0.url }}">{{ node.field_event_location.0.value }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ node.field_event_location.0.value }}
{% endif %}
Render an internal link programatically
Here we want to render an internal link to a page on our Drupal site (as opposed to a link to another site.) We grab the link in a preprocess function. Extract out the title and the URI.
$instructions_node = Node::load($order_type_instructions_nid);
if ($instructions_node) {
$order_link = $instructions_node->field_link->first();
if ($order_link) {
$uri = $order_link->uri;
$variables['order_link_title'] = $order_link->title;
$order_url = $order_link->getUrl();
if ($order_url) {
$variables['order_type_link'] = $order_url;
We can put the pieces in the twig template like this
<a href="{{ order_type_link }}">{{ order_link_title }}</a>
Render an image with an image style
From inside-marthe/themes/custom/dp/templates/paragraph/paragraph--sidebar-resource.html.twig
Here we use sidebar_standard image style
<aside class="module module--featured" data-interchange="[{{ content.field_image.0['#item'].entity.uri.value | image_style('sidebar_standard') }}, small]">
Or for a media
field, set the image style on the display mode and use this:
{{ content.field_banner_image.0 }}
Hide if there is no content in a field or image
From ~/Sites/inside-marthe/themes/custom/dp/templates/content/node--video-detail.html.twig
I check to see if there are any values in the related_lessons_nids
array and display the view (using twig_tweak).
{% if related_lessons_nids|length %}
<div class="section section--featured">
<div class="grid-container">
<h2 class="section-header text-center large-text-left">Related Lessons</h2>
<div class="grid-x grid-margin-x" data-equalizer data-equalize-on="large">
{{ drupal_view('video', 'embed_collection_related_lessons', related_lessons_nids|join(', ')) }}
{% endif %}
Not empty:
{% if content.field_myfield is not empty %}
{# Do something here #}
{% endif %}
Hide if there is no image present
If there is an image (and it is renderable) display the image
{% if content.field_teacher_commentary_image|render %}
<img src="{{file_url( content.field_teacher_commentary_image['#items'].entity.uri.value ) }}" width="420" height="255" alt="" class="left">
{% endif %}
Elements in HTML have attributes; these are additional values that configure the elements or adjust their behavior in various ways to meet the criteria the users want.
Read more about using attributes in templates on - updated Mar 2023](
To add a data attribute use:
{{ attributes.setAttribute('data-myname','tommy') }}
<article{{ attributes.addClass(classes).setAttribute('my-name', 'Selwyn') }}>
class="contextual-region node node--type-article node--promoted node--view-mode-full"
For more examples see Using attributes in templates on - updated Mar 2023 such as:
{% set classes = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] %}
{% set my_id = 'specific-id' %}
{% set image_src = '' %}
<img{{ attributes.addClass(classes).removeClass('green').setAttribute('id', my_id).setAttribute('src', image_src) }}>
Which outputs the following:
class="red blue"
Check if an attribute has a class
{{ attributes.hasClass($class) }}
Remove an attribute
{{ attributes.removeAttribute() }}
Convert attributes to array
{{ attributes.toArray () }}
Output the content but leave off the field_image
From ~/Sites/very/web/themes/very/templates/node--teaser.html.twig
<div{{ content_attributes.addClass('content') }}>
{{ content|without('field_image')|render|striptags }}
Add a class
<div{{ content_attributes.addClass('node__content') }}>
Here we set a bunch of classes:
* @file
* Theme override for Call to Action paragraph.
set classes = [
'paragraph--type--' ~ paragraph.bundle|clean_class,
view_mode ? 'paragraph--view-mode--' ~ view_mode|clean_class,
{% block paragraph %}
<div{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
{% block content %}
<a href="{{content.field_uswds_button.0["#url"]}}" class="usa-button {{ button_style }} {% if show_arrow is not empty %}usa-button--arrow{% endif %}">{{content.field_uswds_button.0["#title"]}}</a>
{% endblock %}
{% endblock paragraph %}
This line uses a ternary operator to check if the view_mode
variable is set. If view_mode
is set (truthy), it appends a class to the paragraph that includes the view mode's machine name, formatted with the clean_class filter. The clean_class
filter is used to ensure that the class name is safe to use in HTML (e.g., spaces are replaced with dashes, and unsafe characters are removed):
view_mode ? 'paragraph--view-mode--' ~ view_mode|clean_class,
Add classes to a link
set classes = [
'paragraph--type--' ~ paragraph.bundle|clean_class,
view_mode ? 'paragraph--view-mode--' ~ view_mode|clean_class,
{% block paragraph %}
<div{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
{% block content %}
{{ content.field_usabc_body }}
<a href="{{content.field_uswds_button.0["#url"]}}" class="usa-button usa-button-big usa-button-secondary">{{content.field_uswds_button.0["#title"]}}</a>
{% endblock %}
{% endblock paragraph %}
Add a class conditionally
From ~/Sites/very/web/themes/very/templates/node--teaser.html.twig
For an unpublished node, wrap this class around the word unpublished:
{% if not node.published %}
<p class="node--unpublished">{{ 'Unpublished'|t }}</p>
{% endif %}
Links to other pages on site
<a href="{{ url('entity.node.canonical', {node: 3223}) }}">Link to WEA node 3223 </a>
Relative (see path vs url):
<a href="{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {node: 3223}) }}">Link to WEA node 3223 </a>
Could also link to users using
<a href="{{ url('entity.user.canonical', {user: 1}) }}">Link to user 1 </a>
Loop.index in a paragraph twig template
From: web/themes/custom/dprime/templates/field/field--paragraph--field-links--sidebar-cta.html.twig
Notice the use of loop.index
to only output this for the first item (and skip it for subsequent items.)
{% for item in items %}
{% if loop.index == 1 %}
<div class="cell medium-6">
<a href="{{item.content['#url']}}" class="button {% if loop.index == 2 %}hollow {% endif %}button--light m-b-0"{% if item.content['#options']['attributes']['target'] %} target="{{item.content['#options']['attributes']['target']}}" {% endif %}>{{item.content['#title']}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Loop thru an array of items with a separator
This loads all the authors and adds and
between them except for the last one:
{%- if -%}
{%- for author in -%}
{% if loop.last %}
{% set separator = '' %}
{% else %}
{% set separator = ' and ' %}
{% endif %}
{{ author }} {{ separator }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
This version inserts commas:
From ~/Sites/oag/docroot/themes/custom/org/templates/field/field--node--field-categories--opinion.html.twig
{% if label_hidden %}
{% if multiple %}
{% for item in items %}
{%if loop.index > 1 %}, {% endif %}{{ item.content }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for item in items %}
{%if loop.index > 1 %}, {% endif %}{{ item.content }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</div>
{% for item in items %}
{%if loop.index > 1 %}, {% endif %}{{ item.content }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Adding Regions to a Theme
All regions are declared in the
file. The keys match the machine name and the values match the label for each available region.
For example:
header: Header
content: Content
sidebar_left: 'Sidebar - Left'
sidebar_right: 'Sidebar - Right'
footer: Footer
Then each region can be referenced in the page.html.twig
template file:
<div class="container">
{% if page.header %}
<div class="row">
<div class="header col-xs-12">
{{ page.header }}
{% endif %}
<div class="row">
{% if page.sidebar_left %}
<div class="sidebar-left col-xs-2">
{{ page.sidebar_left }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.sidebar_left and page.sidebar_right %}
<div class="content col-xs-8">
{{ page.content }}
{% elseif page.sidebar_left or page.sidebar_right %}
<div class="content col-xs-10">
{{ page.content }}
{% else %}
<div class="content col-xs-12">
{{ page.content }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.sidebar_right %}
<div class="sidebar-right col-xs-2">
{{ page.sidebar_right }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.footer %}
<div class="row">
<div class="footer col-xs-12">
{{ page.footer }}
{% endif %}
Add Javascript into a twig template
function hidePRSnippet(config, data) {
if (data.average_rating < 3.5 && data.average_rating !== 0) {
var powerReviewsConfig = {{ accPowerreviews | raw}};
for (var i = 0; i < powerReviewsConfig.length; i++) {
if (powerReviewsConfig[i].hasOwnProperty('components') && powerReviewsConfig[i].components.hasOwnProperty('ReviewSnippet')) {
powerReviewsConfig[i]['on_render'] = hidePRSnippet;
Setting Variables
{% set x = 123 %}
{% set name = 'Name: !name'|t('!name', %}
Concatenate values into a string with join
This would typically be used when passing a series of node id's to a view to filter its output.
{% set blah = [node.field_ref_unit.0.target_id,node.field_ref_unit.1.target_id,node.field_ref_unit.2.target_id,node.field_ref_unit.3.target_id]|join('+') %}
This produces 1+2+3+4
Include partial templates
{% include '@txg/partials/searchfilterform.html.twig' %}
Loop through entity reference items
In ~/Sites/txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/content/node--news-story.html.twig
I need to loop through a bunch of entity reference values and build a string of id+id+id...
(with an undefined number):
{% set blah = '' %}
{% for item in node.field_ref_unit %}
{% set blah = blah ~ item.target_id %}
{% if not loop.last %}
{% set blah = blah ~ '+' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div>blah:{{ blah }}</div>
<div>node id: {{ }}</div>
{{ drupal_view('related_news_for_news_story', 'block_unit',, blah) }}
If there is a value in field_event_date
or field_display_date
, then display it/them.
<div{{ content_attributes.addClass('teaser__content') }}>
{% if content.field_event_date or content.field_display_date %}
<div class="teaser__date">
{{ content.field_event_date|render|striptags }}
{{ content.field_display_date|render|striptags }}
{% endif %}
Test if a formatted text field is empty
To check a body field or other formatted text field, use |render
to render it first.
{% if content.body|render %}
<li><a class="scroll" href="#section-overview">Overview</a></li>
{% endif %}
Test empty variable
This code checks if a variable is empty using empty test if the attributes variable is not set. From
{% if attributes is empty %}
{{ link(item.title, item.url) }}
{% else %}
{{ link(item.title, item.url, attributes) }}
{% endif %}
You can also use:
{% if blah is not empty %}
{% endif %}
Conditionals (empty, defined, even)
{% if rows %}
{% elseif empty %}
{{ empty }}
{% endif %}
{% if var is defined %}
{% endif %}
{%if var is even %}
{% endif %}
e.g. from ~/Sites/inside-marthe/themes/custom/dp/templates/paragraph/paragraph--highlight-card.html.twig
{% set showCat = TRUE %}
{% if view_mode == 'overview' or view_mode == 'home' %}
{% set showCat = FALSE %}
{% endif %}
<div class="cell medium-4 home-highlight-card m-b-3" data-equalizer-watch>
<a href="{% spaceless %}{{ content.field_link.0 }}{% endspaceless %}" class="card h-100" data-interchange="[{{ content.field_image.0['#item'].entity.uri.value | image_style('highlight_card_standard') }}, small]" {% if content.field_link.0['#options']['attributes']['target'] %} target="{{content.field_link.0['#options']['attributes']['target']}}"{% endif %}>
<div class="card-content">
{% if showCat %}
<span class="card-label">{{content.field_text2}}</span>
{% endif %}
<h3 class="card-header">{{content.field_text}}</h3>
{% if content.field_button_text|render %}
<span class="button full-width show-on-hover">{{ content.field_button_text }}</span>
{% else %}
<span class="button full-width show-on-hover">{{ content.field_text|render }}</span>
{% endif %}
Test if a paragraph is empty using striptags
From ~/Sites/inside-marthe/themes/custom/dp/templates/content/node--video-collection.html.twig
Normally you wouldn't need the striptags, but when twig debugging is enabled, the render information includes debug tags. See
{% if content.field_related_lessons|render|striptags|trim is not empty %}
{{ content.field_related_lessons}}
{% endif %}
Or this much simpler version which also comes from the same issue page above (it doesn't seem to work as well as the version above):
{% if content.field_related_lessons.value %}
{{ content.field_related_lessons}}
{% endif %}
Comparing strings
For complicated strings, you have to use the Twig same as function because using if x == y
doesn't work. See the commented out part where I tried ==
{% set start = node.field_when.0.value|date('l F j, Y') %}
{% set end = node.field_when.0.end_value|date('l F j, Y') %}
<p class="date"> {{ start }}</p>
{#{% if not start == end %}#}
{% if not start is same as(end) %}
<p class="date"> {{ end }}</p>
{% endif %}
Include other templates as partials
In ~/Sites/very/web/themes/very/templates/node--featured.html.twig
You can re-use templates. Just put them in the partials directory (you don't have to but it is a good convention) and include them.
{{ include('node--teaser.html.twig') }}
Check if an attribute has a class
{{ attributes.hasClass($class) }}
Remove an attribute
{{ attributes.removeAttribute() }}
Convert attributes to array
{{ attributes.toArray () }}
Render a view with contextual filter
Pro tip: Create
displays (rather than blocks or pages) so users don't see these blocks appearing in the block management page. see
To use a field value in a view as an argument, using twig_tweak, you can render the view and its arguments/parameters. In the example below, these are the contextual filters defined in the view.
{{ drupal_view('map_data_for_a_country', 'block_stats', node.field_iso_n3_country_code.0.value) }}
Note. Using content.field as a parameter doesn't work because content.fields get rendered so they are usually filled with HTML or labels or both. Parameters need to simply be numbers or strings.
Other examples. Here an entity reference field is passed as a parameter. This works for taxonomy terms like this also.
{{ drupal_view('news_stories_for_a_topic','block_1', node.field_ref_topic.0.target_id) }}
{{ drupal_view('resellers_for_this_vendor', 'embed_1', node.field_vendor_id.value ) }}
Note. If you ever see a 502 bad gateway error when embedding a drupal_view, delete the display and create a new one and it may just work fine.
Count how many rows returned from a view
Check if View has Results
{% set view = drupal_view_result('related', 'block_1')|length %}
{% if view > 0 %}
{{ drupal_view('related', 'block_1') }}
{% endif %}
If view results empty, show a different view
In ~/Sites/txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/content/node--news-story.html.twig
we show units (the first view) but if there aren't any, show aofs
(the second view.)
{% if drupal_view_result('related_news_for_news_story', 'block_unit',, unit_ids) %}
{{ drupal_view('related_news_for_news_story', 'block_unit',, unit_ids) }}
{% elseif drupal_view_result('related_news_aof', 'block_aof',, aof_ids) %}
{{ drupal_view('related_news_aof', 'block_aof',, aof_ids) }}
{% endif %}
Selectively pass 1 termid or 2 to a view as the contextual filter
In the view, you can allow multiple terms for a contextual filter
Instead of Content: The name of Taxonomy (taxonomy_vocabulary_#
) you need to select Content: Has taxonomy term ID _Contextual filter_
and enable _Allow multiple values_
to able to use multiple values in the form of 1+2+3
(for OR
) or 1,2,3
(for AND
Then in the template, check if there is a second value and build the arguments in the form id+id
(e.g. 13+16
) In this example, I have to assume the setup allows only 2 taxonomy terms to be entered. See below for an unlimited amount of terms.
From ~/Sites/dirt/web/themes/custom/dirt_bootstrap/templates/paragraphs/paragraph--upcoming-events.html.twig
{# if there is a second category, pass it separated by + #}
{% if paragraph.field_ref_tax.1.target_id %}
{% set args = paragraph.field_ref_tax.1.target_id~'+'~paragraph.field_ref_tax.1.target_id %}
args: {{ args }}
{{ drupal_view('events', 'embed_2', paragraph.field_ref_tax.0.target_id~'+'~paragraph.field_ref_tax.1.target_id) }}
{% else %}
{{ drupal_view('events', 'embed_2', paragraph.field_ref_tax.0.target_id) }}
{% endif %}
Or even nicer, we could loop thru an unlimited number of terms, build a string of them to pass to a view.
From: ~/Sites/dirt/web/themes/custom/dirt_bootstrap/templates/paragraphs/paragraph--news-preview.html.twig
{# Figure out parameters to pass to view for news items #}
{% set params = '' %}
{% for item in paragraph.field_ref_tax_two %}
{% set params = params ~ item.target_id %}
{% if not loop.last %}
{% set params = params ~ '+' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
params: {{ params }}
This will output something like: 5+6+19
And pass the output to a view like this:
{{ drupal_view('news', 'embed_2', params) }}
Views templates
Using machine names for the view, you can copy the base view templates (just like in Drupal 7) to make specific templates.
Using a View named foobar
with its style: unformatted
and row style: Fields
, and using display:Page
or for views-view-list.html.twig
, you could use views-view-list---foobar.html.twig
e.g. ~/Sites/dirt/web/themes/custom/dirt_bootstrap/templates/views/views-view-list--resource-library.html.twig
Inject variables
You can inject variables into a view using hook_preprocess_views_view
() eg. from ~/Sites/txg/web/themes/custom/txg/txg.theme
. The code below used to was load up various items to populate the select dropdown controls in the view:
function txg_preprocess_views_view(&$variables) {
$view = $variables['view'];
$id = $view->storage->id();
$display_id = $view->current_display;
// Build /newsroom/search
if ($id == 'news_events_search' && $display_id == 'page_news') {
$variables['filter_data'] = generate_search_filter_data();
Here is the code that builds the data for the select controls:
* Populate dropdowns.
* Builds the search filter data to populate select dropdowns on
* /newsroom, /newsroom-search etc. pages.
* @return array
* Array of values for dropdown.
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
function generate_search_filter_data() {
// Grab the Get parameters.
$country_nid = \Drupal::request()->query->get('country');
$aof_nid = \Drupal::request()->query->get('aof');
$unit_nid = \Drupal::request()->query->get('unit');
$continent_arg = \Drupal::request()->query->get('continent');
$topic_tid = \Drupal::request()->query->get('topic');
// Office: AOF and child units from main menu.
$office_nid = 0;
if (!empty($aof_nid)) {
if (is_numeric($aof_nid)) {
$office_nid = $aof_nid;
if (!empty($unit_nid)) {
if (is_numeric($unit_nid)) {
$office_nid = $unit_nid;
$storage = get_offices($office_nid);
$data[] = [
'type' => 'office',
'info' => $storage,
// Topic taxonomy terms.
$vid = 'topic';
$terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadTree($vid);
$storage = [];
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$storage[] = [
"value" => $term->tid,
"title" => $term->name,
// Update the select to show the current value from the url.
foreach ($storage as &$item) {
if ($item['value'] == $topic_tid) {
$item['selected'] = 'selected';
$data[] = [
'type' => 'topic',
'info' => $storage,
// Continent.
$continents = [
['title' => 'Africa', 'value' => 'Africa'],
['title' => 'Antarctica', 'value' => 'Antarctica'],
['title' => 'Asia', 'value' => 'Asia'],
['title' => 'Europe', 'value' => 'Europe'],
['title' => 'North America', 'value' => 'north%20america'],
['title' => 'Oceania', 'value' => 'Oceania'],
['title' => 'South America', 'value' => 'south%20america'],
// Update the select to show the current value from the url.
foreach ($continents as &$continent) {
if (!empty($continent_arg)) {
if (strtolower($continent['title']) == strtolower($continent_arg)) {
$continent['selected'] = 'selected';
$data[] = [
'type' => 'continent',
'info' => $continents,
// Country.
$data_storage = Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node');
$query = Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('status', 1)
->condition('type', 'country')
->sort('title', 'ASC');
$nids = $query->execute();
$nodes = $data_storage->loadMultiple($nids);
$storage = [];
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$storage[] = [
'title' => $node->getTitle(),
'value' => $node->id(),
// Set the default country so it appears in the select dropdown.
foreach ($storage as &$item) {
if ($item['value'] == $country_nid) {
$item['selected'] = 'selected';
$data[] = [
'type' => 'country',
'info' => $storage,
return $data;
Here the output for all views uses the views-view.html.twig
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/classy/templates/views/views-view.html.twig' -->
If we want to override the frontpage
view we can copy the template from above to our theme and rename it views-view--frontpage.html.twig
Notice that it will override all displays (in this case the page and the feed
displays -- "page_1" and "feed_1" respectively) so we can be more specific
Rename it to views-view--frontpage--page_1.html.twig
All views templates can be overridden with a variety of names, using the view, the display ID of the view, the display type of the view, or some combination thereof.
For each view, there will be a minimum of two templates used. The first is used for all views: views-view.html.twig.
The second template is determined by the style selected for the view. Note that certain aspects of the view can also change which style is used; for example, arguments which provide a summary view might change the style to one of the special summary styles.
The default style for all views is views-view-unformatted.html.twig.
Many styles will then farm out the actual display of each row to a row style; the default row style is views-view-fields.html.twig
Here is an example of all the templates that will be tried in the following case:
View: foobar Style: unformatted Row style: Fields. Display:Page.
- views-view--foobar--page.html.twig
- views-view--page.html.twig
- views-view--foobar.html.twig
- views-view.html.twig
- views-view-unformatted--foobar--page.html.twig
- views-view-unformatted--page.html.twig
- views-view-unformatted--foobar.html.twig
- views-view-unformatted.html.twig
- views-view-fields--foobar--page.html.twig
- views-view-fields--page.html.twig
- views-view-fields--foobar.html.twig
- views-view-fields.html.twig
When adding a new template to your theme, be sure to flush the theme registry cache!
When changing the value of a field in a view, use preprocess_views_view_field()
function mytheme_preprocess_views_view_field(&$variables) {
$view = $variables['view'];
if($view->id() == 'my_view') {
if($variables['field']->field == 'field_my_field') {
$my_field_value = $variables['field']->getValue($variables['row']);
$my_altered_value = 'xx';
$variables['output'] = $my_altered_value; // Default variable in Twig file is "output"
// OR
$variables['my_output'] = $my_altered_value; // New variable in Twig file (views-view-field--my-view--field-my-field.html.twig)
Same field used twice
Note. If you use the same field twice in a view i.e. if you need to display different parts of the same field in different places, views names them something like this: field_library_media
and field_library_media_1
. In that circumstance, you have to refer to them in the function like this:
// if($variables['field']->field == 'field_library_media') { if($variables['field']->options['id'] == 'field_library_media_1') {
Here is a real example where a media field id is being displayed and I switch it out with the formatted size of the media file.
* Implements hook_preprocess_views_view_field().
function dirt_bootstrap_preprocess_views_view_field(&$variables) {
$view = $variables['view'];
if($view->id() == 'resource_library') {
// if($variables['field']->field == 'field_library_media') {
if($variables['field']->options['id'] == 'field_library_media_1') {
$target_id = $variables['field']->getValue($variables['row']);
$file_size = 0;
if ($target_id) {
$media_item = Media::load($target_id);
// Get the file.
if ($media_item->hasField('field_media_document')) {
$file_id = $media_item->field_media_document->getValue()[0]['target_id'];
elseif ($media_item->hasField('field_media_image')) {
$file_id = $media_item->field_media_image->getValue()[0]['target_id'];
elseif ($media_item->hasField('field_media_audio_file')) {
$file_id = $media_item->field_media_audio_file->getValue()[0]['target_id'];
elseif ($media_item->hasField('field_media_video_file')) {
$file_id = $media_item->field_media_video_file->getValue()[0]['target_id'];
if (isset($file_id)) {
$file = File::load($file_id);
if ($file) {
// Get file size.
$file_size = format_size($file->getSize());
$variables['output'] = $file_size; // Default variable in Twig file is "output"
Concatenate values into a string with join
This would typically be used when passing a series of node id's to a view to filter its output.
{% set blah = [node.field_ref_unit.0.target_id,node.field_ref_unit.1.target_id,node.field_ref_unit.2.target_id,node.field_ref_unit.3.target_id]|join('+') %}
This produces: 1+2+3+4
Loop through entity reference items
In ~/Sites/txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/content/node--news-story.html.twig
I need to loop through a bunch of entity reference values and build a string of id+id+id... (with an undefined number) so:
{% set blah = '' %}
{% for item in node.field_ref_unit %}
{% set blah = blah ~ item.target_id %}
{% if not loop.last %}
{% set blah = blah ~ '+' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div>blah:{{ blah }}</div>
<div>node id: {{ }}</div>
{{ drupal_view('related_news_for_news_story', 'block_unit',, blah) }}
Twig filters and functions
Use these to do almost anything with variables in your twig templates.
See Twig tweak cheat sheet and Twig documentation for filters and functions.
Here are some examples. A complete list is included below:
{{ <span>Hello I am an html twig, but my html will be stripped</span> | striptags }}
{{'welcome' | upper }}
{{ data | json_encode() }}
{%filter upper %}
This test becomes uppercase
{% endfilter %}
Drupal Specific Filters
These are declared in TwigExtension::getFilters().
- This filter (alternatively,t
) will run the variable through the Drupalt()
function, which will return a translated string. This filter should be used for any interface strings manually placed in the template that will appear for users.placeholder
- This filter escapes content to HTML and formats it usingdrupal_placeholder()
, which makes it display as emphasized text.clean_class
- This filter prepares a string for use as a valid HTML class name. See Html::getClass()clean_id
- This filter prepares a string for use as a valid HTML ID. See Html::getID()format_date
- This filter prepares a timestamp for use as a formatted date string. See DateFormatter::format()raw
- This filter should be avoided whenever possible, particularly if you're outputting data that could be user-entered. In Drupal 9 Twig 2, the{% raw %}
tag is deprecated in favor of{% verbatim %}
. (The|raw
filter, on the other hand, is not deprecated.)render
- This filter is a wrapper for therender()
function. It takes a render array and outputs rendered HTML markup. This can be useful if you want to apply an additional filter (such as stripping tags), or if you want to make a conditional based on the rendered output (for example, if you have a non-empty render array that returns an empty string). It also can be used on strings and certain objects, mainly those implementing thetoString()
- The safe_join filter joins several strings together with a supplied separator. See TwigExtension::safeJoin().without
- The without filter creates a copy of the renderable array and removes child elements by key specified through arguments passed to the filter. The copy can be printed without these elements. The original renderable array is still available and can be used to print child elements in their entirety in the twig template. You can pass a field or an array of fields. See twig_without.add_suggestion
- This filter allows adding a theme suggestion to a render array rendered with#theme
. For example, ifcontent.body
has a render array with'#theme' => 'field'
, using the|add_suggestion
filter with the variable
{{ content.body|add_suggestion('details') }}
would allow loading a template field--details.html.twig
. The theme suggestion added with |add_suggestion
will have the highest priority, and will take precedence over any pre-existing theme suggestions.
- This can be used for getting a unique ID. The filter ensures that even if the template rendered multiple times, the ID remains unique for each usage.add_class
- This allows for setting CSS classes on field render arrays.set_attribute
- This allows for setting HTML attributes on field render arrays.
See examples of some of these at Drupal Specific Filters and Drupal Theming Do's and Don'ts by Don Lalicon - Dec 2023
List of Twig V3 Filters
- abs
- batch
- capitalize
- column
- convert_encoding
- country_name
- currency_name
- currency_symbol
- data_uri
- date
- date_modify
- default
- escape
- filter
- first
- format
- format_currency
- format_date
- format_datetime
- format_number
- format_time
- html_to_markdown
- inky_to_html
- inline_css
- join
- json_encode
- keys
- language_name
- last
- length
- locale_name
- lower
- map
- markdown_to_html
- merge
- nl2br
- number_format
- raw
- reduce
- replace
- reverse
- round
- slice
- slug
- sort
- spaceless
- split
- striptags
- timezone_name
- title
- trim
- u
- upper
- url_encode
- attribute
- block
- constant
- country_names
- country_timezones
- currency_names
- cycle
- date
- dump
- html_classes
- include
- language_names
- locale_names
- max
- min
- parent
- random
- range
- script_names
- source
- template_from_string
- timezone_names
Twig Tweak
Twig Tweak is an essential module to add to all projects. (Approximately 154,000 sites currently use it as of this writing.) It is a small module which provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and filters that can improve development experience.
Check out documentation on it and a cheat sheet.
It looks like the best source of information is really in the source file or at: web/modules/contrib/twig_tweak/src/TwigExtension.php
Display a block with twig_tweak
Here is a simple example:
{{ drupal_block('plugin_id') }}
You can get drush to list all the blocks on your site with:
drush ev "print_r(array_keys(\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.block')->getDefinitions()));"
to get:
Display filter form block
You can use this to display your ajax exposed filter form block:
{{ drupal_block('views_exposed_filter_block:news_listing_for_news_landing-page_1') }}
Embed view in twig template
In ~/Sites/inside-marthe/themes/custom/dprime/templates/content/node-overview.html.twig
there is a view rendered in the twig template. This requires the twig tweak module:
<div class="l-sidebar-content">
{% include '@danaprime/partials/subnav.html.twig' %}
{{ drupal_view('news', 'embed_page_sidebar', content.field_news_categories|render|trim) }}
You can, also specify additional parameters which map to contextual filters you have configured in your view.
{{ drupal_view('who_s_new', 'block_1', arg_1, arg_2, arg_3) }}
Some tricky quotes magic
Here I am trying to create a string type="aof"
so I had to escape at least one of the quotes like this \"
(backslash and double quote)
{% set office_type = 'type=\"' ~ item.type ~ '"' %}
The entire piece of debug code is reproduced below:
{% for filter in filter_data %}
{% if filter.type == 'office' %}
{% for item in %}
type={{ filter.type }}, title = {{ item.title }}, value = {{ item.value }}, selected= {{ item.selected }}, item.type = {{ item.type }}<br>
{% set officetype = '' %}
{% if item.type is defined and item.type %}
{% set office_type = 'type=\"' ~ item.type ~ '"' %}
Office_type:{{ office_type }} <br>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The real implementation is shown below:
From ~/Sites/txg/web/themes/custom/txg/templates/partials/searchfilterform.html.twig
See the line below that sets office_type = ...
{% for item in %}
{% set selected = '' %}
{% if item.selected is defined and item.selected %}
{% set selected = 'selected' %}
{% endif %}
{% set officetype = '' %}
{% if item.type is defined and item.type %}
{% set office_type = 'type=\"' ~ item.type ~ '"' %}
{% endif %}
<option value="/search-news?{{ filter.type }}={{ item.value }} {{ office_type }}" {{ selected }}>{{ item.title }}</option>
{% endfor %}
Enable Twig debugging and disable caches
This will cause twig debugging information to be displayed in the HTML code like the following:
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'toolbar' -->
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/stable/templates/navigation/toolbar.html.twig' -->
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'page' -->
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation--correlation--vote-all.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation--correlation--852136.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation--correlation--%.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation--correlation.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation--852131.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation--%.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--expectation.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--852061.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program--%.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp--program.html.twig
* page--teks--admin--srp.html.twig
x page--teks--admin.html.twig
* page--teks.html.twig
* page.html.twig
The new way to enable Twig debugging is via the user interface. In the menus select Configuration
, Development
, Development Settings
(or navigate to /admin/config/development/settings
) and check the Twig development mode
box, then check the boxes for Twig debug mode
and disable Twig cache
. You can also check the Do not cache markup
at this time.
In sites/default/
in the parameters
, twig.config
, set debug:true
. See
for lots of other items to change for development.
# Local development services.
http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: true
debug: true
auto_reload: true
cache: false
# To disable caching, you need this and a few other items
class: Drupal\Core\Cache\NullBackendFactory
You also need this in settings.local.php
* Enable local development services.
$settings['container_yamls'][] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/';
You also need to disable the render cache in settings.local.php
. Here all caching is disabled with:
$config['system.performance']['css']['preprocess'] = FALSE;
$config['system.performance']['js']['preprocess'] = FALSE;
$settings['cache']['bins']['render'] = 'cache.backend.null';
$settings['cache']['bins']['page'] = 'cache.backend.null';
$settings['cache']['bins']['dynamic_page_cache'] = 'cache.backend.null';
Debugging - Dump a variable
When troubleshooting or trying to make sense of what is being output, use dump.
Dump node.created.value:
{{ dump(node.created.value) }}
Dump node.changed.value:
{{ dump(node.changed.value) }}
Dump node.published_at.value:
{{ dump(node.published_at.value) }}
The output might look like this. Note the published value may be null as I didn't use Drupal scheduling to publish the node:
Dump node.created.value:
string(10) \"1604034000\"
Dump node.changed.value:
string(10) \"1604528207\"
Dump node.published_at.value:
Dump taxonomy reference field
Here we dump a taxonomy reference field which is useful for debugging purposes. The pre tags format it a little nicer than if we don't have them.
{{ dump(paragraph.field_ref_tax.value) }}
And get ouput:
array(2) {
array(4) {
string(2) "13"
array(0) {
object(Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata)#7683 (3) {
array(1) {
string(16) "user.permissions"
array(0) {
array(4) {
string(2) "16"
array(0) {
object(Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata)#7705 (3) {
array(1) {
string(16) "user.permissions"
array(0) {
Using kint or dump to display variable in a template
With devel
and devel: kint
enabled, you can display variables in templates. Here we show the content variable from the above block template. Note. There is also a built in dump()
function which is super useful.
{{ kint(content) }}
You can also
{{ dump(content) }}
And dump a value from a paragraph field. The pre tags will format the output a little more sanely.
{{ dump(paragraph.field_ref_tax.value) }}
Or the body field:
{{ kint(content['body']) }}
Or the tags field content[‘field_tags’]
{{ kint(content['field_tags']) }}
502 bad gateway error
While working on Twig changes, if you ever see a 502 bad gateway error, try commenting out the twig template code you just added and see if it displays. I know, it's not a friendly error at all!
Views error
If you ever see a 502 bad gateway error when embedding a drupal_view, delete the display and create a new one and it may just work fine.
Striptags (when twig debug info causes if to fail)
When you care about the output being affected by twig debugging, you need to use striptags
. In this case, because I enabled twig debugging, the content.field_landing_opinion_page_type
was not ever 'ORD
So here I compare a field value so I have to use striptags to remove all html. I ended up using the combination of render|striptags|trim
{% if content.field_landing_opinion_page_type|render|striptags|trim == 'ORD' %}
{{ drupal_block('opinion_landing', wrapper=false) }}
{% endif %}
Xdebug in twig
When you need to see the values of variables in your twig templates, with the devel module enabled, enable DDEV's Xdebug (ddev xdebug on
) and add the following line to your twig template:
{{ devel_breakpoint() }}
This will cause xdebug to stop in docroot/modules/contrib/devel/src/Twig/Extension/Debug.php
at the breakpoint()
function. You can then easily look in the $context
variable which holds everything that is available in the twig template.
This Twig Xdebug contrib module allows you to place:
{{ breakpoint() }}
into your Twig template which will opens in a file outside your Twig template - BreakpointExtension.php
. It won't actually open your Twig file but it will let you inspect all of the variables as if you were running Xdebug within the Twig template. The key values you'll see are:
: Variables available to use in the template.
: Information about the Twig environment, including available functions.
: If you supply an argument to breakpoint it will be viewable here for example:
{{ breakpoint(fields) }}
More at Debugging Twig Templates on - updated Aug 2024
Also PHPStorm has the ability to step through twig templates just like PHP code. See the following useful links for more:
- Jetbrains help article on Debugging Twig templates
- Jetbrains blog post on Twig debug support from May 2019
- Jetbrains article from 2019
Which version of Twig is Drupal using?
Drupal 10 uses Twig 3. Drupal 9 uses Twig 2. Drupal 8 used Twig 1.
- Theme system overview on
- Drupal Theming Do's and Don'ts by Don Lalicon - Dec 2023
- Twig 3 documentation
- Theming documentation
- Handy Twig functions you can use directly in templates - Updated Jan 2023
- Twig Tweak 3 cheat sheet Updated October 2022
- Twig coding standards on updated Jan 2023
- Twig Tweak 2 cheat sheet Updated May 2022
- Using attributes in templates updated March 2023
- Twig tweaks and Views has some useful notes on using twig tweak with views - Updated November 2020
- Getting Drupal 8/9 Field Values in Twig by Sarah Carney July 2018