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Thanks to these rockstars for their contribution to the project. Please add your name below!

Danny Lufkin - provided inspiration and hopefully some front-end code.

Phillip Norton- provided editing and a lot of material from his excellent articles at

Karoly Negyesi - provided some useful edits and corrections.

Arek Suchecki Fixes to development chapter.

Nic Laflin Form section suggestions.

Ales Rebec - Styling help and email chapter.

Sean Adams-Hiett - Help with editing..

Gary Gao - Query access checking.

Maks Oleksyuk - Amazing work on moving the book to a new theme (x2) and many other items. Keeping vitepress humming along. General helpful suggestions.

Bernard Martinez - Block chapter fixes.

Bronius Motekaitis - Migration chapter.

DarkDim - Learning chapter.

Balint Csuthy - Help with editing.

Bhanu - Actions chapter and a bunch of other interesting issues.

John Picozzi - Bringing us more in line with Drupal standards.

Tony G. - Help with editing.

James Shields - Custom favicon.

Manas Khatua - Help with editing.

Tyler36 - Drush commands.

Peter Elias - Anti-spam modules.

Salman Haider - Twig fixes & many useful modules.

Aaron Manire - Delete aliases.

Chad Peppers - Drupal utility classes.

Dimitri Kritsotakis - Batch API magic.

Brian Hogue - General clarification.

Ian Moffitt - Fix typos.

hazn - Clarification.

Brendan Johnson - Menu Listbuilder magic.

Randy Fay - DDEV updates and so much more.

Raynald Mompoint - Updates to the learning chapter

GeorgiadisChristos - Migrate chapter fixes.